We finally got out!

Our ride to Milwaukee via Route 66 and some other road north of Chicago began late Saturday afternoon.
Checkout Lori's new Road Trip Haircut after 100 miles.
Weather forecasts all week warned of extreme heat with a 20-30% chance of thunderstorms. They were right and it made for perfect riding weather. About the time our Camelbaks began to boil and the cool vests were warm the rain would save us. We even had a tail wind for awhile and got 64 MPG. (That's up from the low to mid 50s we're used to.) It must have rained all week because the desert was emerald green with patches of yellow flowers and red rock still darkened from the rain. We even saw a biggo rainbow.
Leaving Barstow
Helpful raven in Ludlow
We were rolling and didn't take many pictures so you'll need to download instagram for the brain and imagine it.

We approached Needles shortly after sunset and the temperature went large again. One last fuel stop then we dodged trucks in a headwind as we raced the clock for dinner at Dambar. We won.
Lori at the Dambar
Now to the Hill Top for a good nights sleep.
View out our window at The Hill Top


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