Milwaukee was fun, but the highway never ends!

This poor building's probably gone now.

We've seen old friends and made some new ones. We've walked miles and gained a couple pounds (walking and great food go hand in hand here in Milwaukee).

Milwaukee is a beautiful city filled with nice people and good food. It has all the amenities that make a city fun without the hassle and stress. An Australian I sat with at breakfast nailed it when he asked, "Is every day Sunday here?"

Anyway as much as we like it we're told it may get cold in this fall so it's "Westward Ho!" for us.

The plan is to return on Route 66 picking up alignments we missed and staggering the stops we made traveling east. We'll catch more in Oklahoma west of Oklahoma City and try to overnight it Texas. Otherwise the road rules!

Now we try and navigate the Illinois toll road system on motorcycles.

Visit Lori at:
Willie G.
New CVO Breakout!
Old Sportster.
The storm we passed through about 1/2 hour before.
Name that Shadow! Hint: Jeff Decker made it!


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