Joe & Aggies Holbrook, AZ. |
To complete the Holy Trinity of Chile, we took an early ride to Joe and Aggie's. Most of the 66 alignments dead end or go to dirt, but we got about 20 miles in. Definitely want a Jeep or 50 lbs less luggage for more exploration of this area.
Cheese Enchiladas with Green Chile and Egg hit the spot! We fueled up and aimed for Winslow.
There's a rhythm to most of the small towns along Route 66. You're greeted by fast food restaurants, chain hotels, and gas stations. If you continue, you pass layers of businesses wiped out by the gradual migration towards the off ramps. As you get deeper you find the actual town and most are pretty nice. Winslow's the same way,
As we rode in this time I thought to myself, "this is our small town" and suddenly got a little nervous. Then we approached a couple pedestrians who smiled and waved as we putted by and the pattern repeated. We hit the down town, turned left on Kinsley and there was another beautiful small town and the 66 Motor Palace was right in the middle of it. Tourists were wandering around, people waved as they drove by, and best of all...our piece of it is one toilet away from being usable.
It was still early and the weather was nice. Lori walked over and said "hi" to the riders from Nottingham we'd met in Gallup while I got some work done. (voice mails, missed calls, emails, slow Internet connections, and annoying texts for about an hour and a half). The good news is you can actually take care of things while on the road and it would be difficult to do a ride like this if it weren't for technology.
We said goodbye to the Motor Palace anticipating rain in Flagstaff and Flagstaff delivered. We were smart this time and put gear on in Winona BEFORE we got wet. That worked out real well. It started warming up west of Ashfork. We took Crookton Rd (Route 66) past green fields, horses, cows, and Burma Shave signs to Seligman.
We walked around a little then stopped at Snow-Cap for tacos. John came out and asked if we wanted to go for a ride so we jumped in the Snow-Cap Cruiser and took a spin around town.
We were on the bikes ready to leave when Lori looked at all the happy people and suggested we stay in Seligman for the night. We did a lap and chose the Canyon Lodge.
We were greeted by Reinhardt who is rightfully proud of his motel. This place is spotless, with fun, well executed theme rooms, and friendly neighbors.
John and Wendy rode a new Ultra from Missouri and had the room next door. We struck up a conversation while unloading and John asked us if we wanted to watch John (from Snow-Cap) and his band play on the roof. Who could pass that up? This was a riot, they played on the roof 'til just after dark while we and the rest of the crowd stood in the middle of Route 66 watching. The Sheriff came by and just went around the crowd like everyone else. After dark they moved the act to the patio and we watched them for 'til we rode over to Westside Lilo's for pie.
In all this was one of the best days on the road ever!
We'll be home by late this afternoon so we can move the truck before it gets towed Friday...I just gotta remember where I put the key!
Lori's Story www.bondorella.wordpress.com
Guitar playing Cowboy's Chopper |
John giving us a ride in the Snow-Cap Cruiser. |
Live from the Snow-Cap |
Arizona sky from Crookton Road (Old Route66) |
John Delgadillo. From what we know his Father would be very proud. |
The first raindrops are always best! |
Enjoying our tour of Seligman. |
Great host and skilled driver! |
Snow-Cap after dark |
Should we tell him? |
Lori and Wendy enjoying the show. |
She's been there... |
Tight security. |
Guitar playing Cowboy and friend |
Lori waving to fans. |
Lori, John, and Wendy, our new friends from Missouri. They were on the way to Florida but turned west to avoid Hurricane. Ended up in Seligman on their new Ultra. |
66 Motor Palace Winslow, AZ. |
Quote of day from Guitar playing Cowboy on roof of Snow-Cap, "What are you guys standing in the street watching us for? A guy just rode by on a cart pulled by dogs!" |
Lori and her new friend on Crookton Road |
Standin' on a Highway in Seligman Arizona... |
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