A fine time on the High Plateau

Today is our 15th Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Lori!

Yesterday was nice too
Lori took the truck to her parents so I hitched a ride from the motel with "Stoney" (a tile man working on the soon to be Soda Fountain across from us). The mornings have been cool and calm and at 7:00 tourists trickle in just a couple at a time.
They're continuing the sidewalk improvements in front of the Motorcycle Parking.

Our lamp post and theater reflected in the front window.

Looking north to "a corner" with a "flat bed Ford."

Old sign and other stuff we've found in Jenny's and the Motor Palace.

These guys were heading home from Flagstaff.

Pre-dinner exploration
We drove out to Clear Creek before dinner to have a look, this is 5.8 miles from the Motor Palace.
There's camping and picnic areas along the creek. Swimming and small boats are allowed too.

For better pictures see the ones Lori took at  Bondorella. She should have them up soon.

More painting, cleaning and Mexican food today...and yes Cousin Tim, the building will be ready in August, and I have a list of great Mexican restaurants in the area!


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