A productive week of Route 66 fun!

Bye for now Winslow
We accomplished most of our work goals and exceeded our fun plans! It's exciting to see Winslow's renaissance project coming together. The theater is re-opened and busy every night, the Soda Fountain and a Cafe serving breakfast  and lunch should be finished mid summer, the new Arizona 66 Trading Company is open, and of course the Standin' on the Corner store is going as strong as ever. All of this, in addition to several really good restaurants that are already there. The restaurants are a little different here, but it's a good thing. Almost all of them say Mexican and American Food. No matter what they're named or how they look they all serve incredible Mexican food. Bojo's and Brown Mug are walking distance from the Palace and Casa Blanca is about a mile east on Route 66 just past the Falcone. BTW, the red brick building to the center left is the 66 Motor Palace.
People come from around the world to stand on the corner.

Bubba from the Delta Motel. He wanted me to feed him. 

Inside the Brown Mug

This is the Trading Post the cash register came from.

 The drive home
We got a late start and goofed off so much it took us twelve hours to get home! 
My old boss John from back in the 1980s owned and built this Truxton gas station in the 1970's.

Here it is being built.
Photo provided by John Hensley 

Here he is! His hair's shorter now but he still looks about the same.
Photo provided by John Hensley 

We stopped by the Kozy Corner Trailer Park outside Kingman to check out the petting zoo.
You have to stop and check these out!
We also drove around some dirt roads behind Essex and Cadiz. Lori has pictures at www.bondorella.com
Road Runner's Retreat between Chambless and Amboy.
Roy's in Amboy
Roy's is one of our favorite places on Route 66 and if you've been following us awhile you're familiar with it. Kevin was working when we stopped and quickly engaged us in conversation. He's a seasoned Route 66 enthusiast with a good sized collection of art and memorabilia. We started talking about Route 66 and I asked him about some watercolors on the wall. It turns out they're his. He told me about the artist and mentioned he had one of Angel Delgadillo he kept in the back. I asked if he would sell it and we agreed on a price. We had a nice visit and when we were ready to leave he said, "hang on a second" and disappeared for about five minutes. When he returned he gave us these signs and said, "I want you to have these for your building in Winslow."
Roy's sign, not Kevin's or ours. Lori's photo.

Kevin and me. Lori's photo.

Pete Morris' print of "The Guardian Angel of Route 66" Here's a video about Pete.

The character Flo in the movie "Cars" is based on Fran Hauser who owned the Mid Point Cafe in Adrian Texas.

Huntington Drive is Route 66 in Duarte

These Dickies Jeans are great!
I've ride tested the Dickies 1922 Carpenter Jeans and they work great and last week they got a work test. I abused them working on the building five days straight, plus one day driving out. They're absolutely my favorite jeans. The pockets are deep, they hold their fit and shape, they're comfortable all day long, and the pocket on the leg is perfect for an iPhone! We have a limited supply of these and the traditional five pocket Cone Mill's White Oak Selvage Jeans available. Contact us if you're interested. 66@66MotorPalace.com
Actual photos of Dickies Jeans in action!
Lori's pictures.
Thank you Chuck, Joy, Joe, Sandra, Don, Tom, Lisa, Barry, Stoney, and Kevin for helping make this a great week!

For much better pictures visit Lori's blog at www.bondorella.com


  1. I'm a late convert to Carhart. They got the Iphone pocket too.

    1. Carhartt's a great brand, I hope you're supporting their Made in USA line, Here's a link:



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