Getting more lazy

Lori went camping

It was an "all girls" motorcycle campout so I didn't go. Read about it at Motor Dolls in the "News" section.
Filthy Sportster with monsoon stains ready for campout.

I met her the next morning
Clean Fatboy on abandoned section of Route 66 south of Cajon Pass.

Greg's looking for an old VW to use for Orange Seed Co. so we crashed a VW show the day before it started after lunch at Pancho's. I was too full to take many pictures but I couldn't pass these two. 

I think the license plate is the name of the builder...should probably Google it but I'll forget the name as soon as I close this page

The back seat looked pretty comfortable.

Bolsa Chica Wetlands
We took a drive to the Bolsa Chica Wetlands and walked around awhile Saturday.
Hippie chick!

This is a track for an anti aircraft gun from WWII

Looking east around sunset

Looking west
Still a Hippie!

Sunday workin' on motorcycles
We did some shop cleaning and Lori put the Triumph back together with it's new paint after a quick Dyno Jet install /carb cleanup.   

Greg came by and these three lined up like they were ready for someone more interesting than us.
Serious work here!

Paint by Smokey Black Watch Tartan 

Bed time...the sidecar rig really is wider than the Jeep!


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