Back to Route 66 and Winslow

We scored again at Snow-Cap! Last summer's rooftop show with John Delgadillo's band was followed up with a performance by Angel's band. Seligman is one of the best stops on Route 66, the Delgadillo family makes sure everyone has a good time. Angel is the person credited with organizing the movement to save Route 66. He may also be the inventer of fun. Here's a link. Angel Delgadillo then go read all the Wikipedia stuff and visit him, you'll be happy you did!
They're playing when the bongo player starts yelling "Brian, your tacos are ready!"

Joe and Phil

Angel and John

Couple random shots
Spare bricks

Hummer and belly tank in their new home

Palace Fixtures
We're painting, staining and prepping for tile and flooring. We finally plugged the old Coke Machine in and it worked!
It lives!

Red Tub
Less red
1st coat of Gold

British Visitors
A wedding Party from England stopped in and left bonafied Hillbillies! They mistook us for a proper motorcycle shop and asked if we could help with a packing problem. (Their bags were wider than the racks and were hanging kind of scary). With a Makita, some scrap wood and a few drywall screws we got them back on the road without any permanent modifications or immediate injuries.

Enjoy your trip and come visit again!

 A couple sunsets
Route 66 to our right

The alley on our left


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