Happy 2013!

I did a 300 mile loop through Joshua Tree for New Year's. It was a perfect day with crisp clear skies, light traffic in the AM, and a hot thermos of coffee. The temperature ranged from the high 30s to mid 50s...mostly in the 40s so it was a great opportunity to wear a heavy jacket and winter gloves. Not many pictures today because it was too cold to take the gloves and helmet off!

 Lori worked.

We had a nice dinner of blackened pork chops and Black Eyed peas for good luck. 

The guys on the CVOs and baggers were all smiles when they rode up. 

Stopped here for coffee break. I stayed on the sidewalk.

The coffee stayed hot...until about 30 seconds after I poured it in the cup!

That's a Joshua Tree
A warm jacket!
The quality of this B-3 is why we're a Schott dealer.

Thanks everyone for making 2012 great. Let's do it a gain in 2013!

Bonus shots from the end of 2012
Christmas shopping at Deuss Ex Machina. Good coffee too!

Took this one New Years Eve.


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