Cold Week!

We love the cold weather here this week. It was 37 degrees when we got up Saturday but it warmed up by the time I made it to the Farmers Market.
The best coffee comes from Steve at Drip Stop.

The best bread comes from Grampy Pat's Sourdough.

The best apples, pears, and cider vinegar come from  Ha's Apple Farm in Tehachapi.

Lori was at a baby shower so I took the Porn Sled to Riverside to buy this cool tent I saw on Craigslist. I thought it would be fun to take the G/S on a campout in the desert. It's too big to carry around on a motorcycle but it might make a good house for the G/S if I can figure out how to set it up. If anybody out there knows how to set assemble one of these It's worth a steak dinner at the Tartan Room. I think it's about 50 years old. It's says T-311 Umbrella 10' X 13' Side Room in big letters below the front door. Don't know what brand it is.
My attempt at a rugged outdoor lifestyle's on hold 'til I figure out how to pitch this tent.

New suspension kit for the Fatboy. Progressive shocks and springs are my absolute favorite (and I've tried most of the others).
 The alarm went off at Lori's work so we had to go mess with it and missed the swap meet so we went to town to drink some coffee and walk around.

Circle Patrol
 We walked over to Chapman and Lori met this nice cat...

...he led her around awhile...

...ever vigilant...

...and ready to wrestle!

We looked at this building during the real estate boom. It's a 2000 square foot tin shed. They sold it for about $800,000 and it needed about $100,000 in repairs. It was more than we could afford but I sure wish we owned it. According to the Realtor it was a livery stable originally.

Since We didn't take any pictures of motorcycles this weekend here's a few from the archives.
Lori at El Mirage in '06.  I think this is a nice place for Cousin Tim to learn to ride a motorcycle.

'67 Honda Trail 90. I think this is a nice motorcycle for Cousin Tim to learn on.

Our Love Bug and a friends Volkswagen.

We're heading to Phoenix for a few days next week then cruising around southern Arizona in search of food.

P.S. I mean it, the first person to show me how to pitch that tent gets dinner at the Tartan Room. If you live too far away I'll send you two bags of Drip Stop Coffee, a loaf of Grampy Pat's bread and a couple shop rags.


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