Captain Jacks Summer Party

Captain Jack's having another party in Denver and we're riding the Sportsters again. This year we'll be spending a little time in the Motor Palace instead of wondering if it really exists!

The deal
No computer, no iPad...just an iPhone and Leica X2. The blogs will be on the iPhone so pictures may be out of order and without captions. There might be more pictures of food too.

Good Morning
Still Life with Roach...this is what I'm doing now.

How it Started
First I overloaded the Sportster. I knew it looked stupid but gave it a try. We got to the gas station around the corner and knew it was a "fail." Once I removed the top bag and rigid bottom liner all was fine. I just won't have any room for souvenirs.

The weather was perfect, even Needles was only 109, the rest of the desert was around 100 which really isn't bad when you're moving.
We followed rain storms from Kingman to Seligman and didn't catch any 'til we were at Snow-Cap waiting for tacos. We ran into the cowboy who was playing guitar on the roof with John last year. He's doing great! (See our post from late August 2012 for photos).
The ride on to Winslow was as good as it gets. After rain the sage brush is a little greener, the rocks a little redder, the sky a little bluer, and every thing smells good.

If you're riding this way soon be sure to take the Crookton alignment of Route 66 between Seligman and Ash Fork. There are lots of Crows and Black Eyed Susan's this time of year.

We got tagged! Our friend Barry Hathaway took this picture on his way back from Sturgis. It's a nice sticker, I think I'll keep it!

The Ride

Goff's Road I like this place better than needles and it's not usually as hot.

Snow-Cap Seligman, one of my favorite places.
Snow-Cap tacos taste great. They remind me of a place called Tom's Tacos  we used to hang out at when I was a kid in Everman Texas. We were about 10-11 years old. Tom had a great juke box. We'd eat Tacos and hang out drinking Dr Pepper (it was Texas) like we were at a bar. Tom always treated us like adults and we were always respectful.

The Motor Palace
We got to Winslow, ate enchiladas at BoJo's, and set the room up for sleeping. It's weird sleeping in a construction site but the room has a great feel.
My cousin Tim and his 11 year old daughter stayed here last week. I haven't met her yet but she must be a tough kid, this place is a mess!
Roach Vision of the bedroom.

My favorite Summer Jacket
I'm loving this Schott button front in the desert. It breaths like it's vented without all the zippers. Mobile Shade!

Coming Soon!
We're going to mess around here today and ride to Las Vegas New Mexico. We passed through Last summer and put it on the list. Expecting more good weather!

Lori's Point of View here:


  1. I recognize that roach! I think we shared a sleeping back last week. RIP. Tim C.

    1. Sorry about that, "I'll sweep the floor after I get my tools out." means something different than what I learned in school.


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