No Jeep, Pomona Swap Meet

Jeep not meant to be...
First the bad news. The Jeep isn't for sale. Now the good news. The Jeep isn't abandoned. The owner just rescued it and is fixing it up for his grandsons. I'll be keeping an eye out and hope to see it around town.

Pomona Swap Meet
Southern California has a lot to offer--the weather's great, and there are countless rides, shows, races, 
and a hundred other things every weekend. But when it's all said and done, if I leave this place the things I'll miss the most are the Pomona and Long Beach Swap Meets.

If you ever want to surprise me I love 66-67 Dodge Chargers.

Door art

Early '60s Saab 96

I know these aren't supposed to be cool anymore but I like 'em!

I had to drag her away kicking and screaming.

Tricked out, wore out CB550

Nice stock Beetle about to be lowered. 

CT70 $4000

This one too! They were about perfect.

Morgan and Phillips SEMA car. Check out their cool clothes!
I played around with the Heritage but didn't get much done. Spent most of the time extracting cross threaded screws. Made some adjustments to the carburetor, replaced the grips, and sorted out a few minor things. Overall it's in great condition and runs real nice. 
The G/S looks like it's laying on it's side!

Nothing to see here


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