CA Route 66 and Motorcycles

Route 66 News (for reals)
I crashed the Route 66 IECA organization's Kick-Off Party for the Rancho Cucamonga Service Station restoration project Wednesday and learned a little about their mision.
The Rancho Cucamonga Service Station has been abandoned since the early '70s. It's one of the few Route 66 icons standing in Rancho Cucamonga and has been perilously close to demolition. The Route 66 IECA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose members got the city, public, and the previous property owner behind a plan to restore it.
We'll let them fill you in on the details. There's a ton of great information about the project and local Route 66 opportunities on their site.
Anthony Gonzalez President of Route 66 IECA the group dedicated to the preservation project.

L. Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga's Mayor thanking everybody for their efforts.

Unveiling the new sign

Slim feeling pretty special around all the nice cars.

Route 66 IECA Volunteer and Road King owner approves of the Slim.

Slim Love
I fell in love with the Slim at first sight. The Slim reminds me of an Evo Fatboy with lace wheels, but smoother and faster. (That's a compliment and you're right, it's not as fast as a BMW S100RR) But it is an incredibly fun motorcycle to ride. Its chassis is neutral, stable, predictable, and very comfortable. The engine pulls well in every gear and is spooky smooth. Its biggest fault is I keep getting compliments from people who think I built it or customized it...and I have to confess that I'm a loser, it's stock, and it's not mine. So here's some advice if you want to feel loved. Go to your local dealer and buy a Slim, change something on it, enjoy riding it because it's a great motorcycle, and assume when people are going ga-ga, it's because they love the thing you changed!
Slim and Buell S-1

Schott One Star and the Slim

Slim and Bondorella
Me and Slim at Rancho Cucamonga Service Station

Community Service
Our "adopt-a-bike" program has found another orphan. This one's a 1990 Heritage Softail with only 11,430 miles of neglect and random personalization. Nothing too treacherous and a few good things like genuine Twice Pipes, a Mikuni 42, new tires, and no scrapes or dents. The paint looks like crap and it has light corrosion in some metal surfaces.

The '90 Heritage we're going to rescue. It needs some serious love but it has good bones.

Below are a few details. It's a "Good Bike" but it needs a good home. It'll stay a Heritage and an old one at that. We're just going to remove some of the clutter, clean, polish, and sort a few mechanical things. Maybe we'll take this summer's trip on Evo Softails! Poor old Road King never gets to go anywhere.
Burglar alarm license plate and sissy bar helmet locks
Big old windshield and chrome wrap on all cables and wires

Mods relax, they're staying.

and Spiders

and Eagles

and Vista Cruise

and corrosion...the mud flap's staying, for now.

Agriculture Report
Lori's Goat Farm is doing well and the chiles should be ready to plant soon... 
...and the Cowboy's doing alright in Arizona.
66 Motor Palace sponsored rider.

The Cowboy was busy teaching Chicken to ride on Yamaha so kid took the Can-Am out. 


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