West Texas to SoCal

We kicked off the last Texas morning in style. With our sights on Mesilla (Las Cruces) New Mexico we blazed through the remaining hills then across the cold West Texas desert (it's winter) to Barnett's in El Paso.
Texas food
Near the I- 20 and I-10 in West Texas
Built by Mule Motorcycles in Poway, CA
Outside bathrooms at Barnett's  Harley-Davidson
Mesilla New Mexico was founded in in 1848 (here's a link to learn the details). Bottom line is we wanted to see it expecting an old tourist trap (it is) but figured out quickly the food lives up to the hype. Eat at La Posta! If you don't like it bring it to me and I'll eat it. It's a great place to walk around a little too.
Las Cruces NM
I was standing outside La Posta when I heard this guy coming.
Chile everywhere!

The final stretch from Buckeye AZ went pretty quick. We did a little shopping in Quartzite where I picked up a rug for the Motor Palace and a couple books written in the '70s on Leather Jackets and and Denim...and a great blues CD by Sweet Pie at Reader's Oasis Book Store.
Makings of a successful smuggling operation

Sweet Pie, Marketing Wizard and me.


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