How we spent Christmas Vacation

We ate
For details and recipes go to our Townhomesteader blog 
Rib-Eye Roast

Sweet Potato Pie.  Recipe @ 66 Pie
Where we eat

We messed with Motorcycles

Sold some cool stuff
Schott NYC Leather Jackets
Motor Dolls Books

Took this Picture in Black & White mode
It reminds me of Albuquerque, N.M. in the late '60s. It's Orange, CA in 2013.

Drove Around
With all the electrical working, new brakes, and a new exhaust system, Baby got to do some exploring in the big city...on genuine paved roads! It wasn't good Christmas weather but it was great weather so we took turns looked at Christmas lights in the Jeep and the Sidecar.

With a new exhaust system, baby purrs like a kitten.


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