Camp 66 Motor Palace!

The mirror we bought at the swap meet in Tustin fits! We'll hang it up after we paint.

We finally got to sleep in the Motor Palace! The apartment's almost done so we decided to give it a try for the 18th Annual "Just Cruzin' Car Show." "Almost done" as in electricity, water, toilet, walls, heating and AC. This is the positive spin for no tub and no hot water, and for some reason iPhones and Internet didn't work for crap all weekend. (Thanks for your patience Joe.)

Long freight train on the Route 66 alignment between Goffs and Needles
The drive over was uneventful, we needed to get to Winslow since they close the streets and the Palace is located between "The Corner" and the Burnout Pit.
Town Car Parking

Lori and some of the gang from the "Standin' on the Corner" foundation. They think we need to open a brewery, I think that sounds like work! 
We didn't meet the owner but the sign said Sprint Car / T-Bucket. The fat front tires looked cool!

...and then the shit hits the fan for about an hour! After the burnouts we checked out the cars, ate some of Mississippi Mike's BBQ and listened to the band playing from the store front across the street. 

The actual car show is Saturday. They block off about four blocks of Route 66, fill some parking lots and a couple cross streets with cars and set up vendors in the park behind the "Corner." It's a great show and the whole town gets pretty excited about it.

We did a little painting, a little planning, and a little looking around.
A little Painting
Last but not least, Lori's lookin' around pictures from the car show!

Camaro SS/RS

Studebaker Bonneville Racer

KTM, not sure where the sparks were coming from.

Morning arrivals

This Gremlin has a built 401 and the guy's getting ready to supercharge it. The louvers in the hood are reversed to keep the hood looking smooth. 

One of Rodney Rucker's creations. Yes he can ride it.


'30 Ford and 66 Motor Palace
After the show we checked into our room at the Delta...we needed showers. The Delta Motel is owned by the same great people who own the Canyon Lodge in Seligman. It's an older motel and they're working hard to bring it to the same standard as the Canyon Lodge. Their hospitality and kindness is among the best on Route 66!
The Elk's Lodge hosts a Steak Fry after the show so we gave it a shot. Let me tell you, if you ever get invited to an Elk's Steak Fry go! Don't ask questions, just go!

We couldn't get the paint we needed in town (Don from Standin' on the Corner Store even checked Home Depot in Flagstaff) so we had a big breakfast at El Falcone and hit the road.

Good news for the people who read this blog! Seligman and Hackbury were so packed with people we didn't stop to say "hi" and we saw more motorcycles Sunday than we ever have on this trip. It looks like Route 66 is doing pretty well!

Roy's and the Amboy Crater were our last stops for the day. Richard sold us a copy of Albert's new book, root beer and a Mexican Coke and we drove on over to the crater to watch the sunset and enjoy our sodas.
Roy's Amboy near sundown
Find Lori!


  1. Brian,
    My buddy Tom and I met you when we passed through Winslow last year during our Rt. 66 adventure. Amongst the iconic stops, bumping into you in Winslow was one of our most memorable moments ;)
    As I look through the photos here, I'm reminded of the beauty of the southwest and the people you meet along 'the road'.
    Until we're out there again (which I hope is soon!) thanks for the bried diversion from work :)

    Kevin K


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