"Going Nowhere"

Going Nowhere from Brian Law on Vimeo.

Here are about 6 minutes of photos taken at our shop on Rodder's Row in Orange with music by Blue Sunshine Soul, a band we met while riding home from Denver a couple summers ago. We'd been on the road for about two weeks and weren't ready for the trip to end, so took extra time through our favorite sections of Route 66, from Flagstaff to Seligman, Kingman, and across the Mojave to Amboy. From there, it was a straight shot home, but we took a detour at Roy's to spend a night in Pioneertown. Pappy and Harriet's (next to the motel) is famous for great food and entertainment.. We'd settled in at our table and were enjoying the warm night when Blue Sunshine Soul began playing one incredible song after another providing the perfect soundtrack to wind down a perfect ride.

 If you know anyone from the band or have contact info for them please let us know. We'd like to have them play at the Motor Palace when we get things going...which should be soon. Our building permits were just approved and we'll get to work on the building in February!!!

The song is "Going Nowhere" from Blue Sunshine Soul's album "In All Of the World At One."


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