Route 66 and I-40 to Winslow I made it to Ludlow in time for breakfast, fueled up and arrived in Winslow around by 1:30. The weather was perfect as I trailed thunderstorms across the Deserts and Plateaus, catching a smaller one outside Flagstaff. Tasty Ham Steak from the Ludlow Cafe Roy's was busy with a film crew so I bought some water and got out of the way. Meteor City Trading Post...Winslow's just ahead! Mud Room's almost done! Paint's on, tile's up except for grout, and the boxes of wood for the floor are delivered. The room's shaping up well and we're pretty excited about trying the place out! The tub goes between the class block The tub Old meets new. We're going to build a frame around the bricks. We want to leave this exposed and remove most of the framing on the walls Around town I had time to kill before dinner and explored a few dirt roads the area. There were clouds in every direction...